Scheduled to be held on Sunday 29 March 2020, beginning at 12:30 PM.
Given the extra-ordinary circumstances of COVID-19 and that no gatherings of people are currently allowed, the ‘meeting’ effectively takes place online. Please note that once restrictions are lifted a more ‘normal’ Cathedral Community gathering will take place and any necessary ratifications can be made then.
Please find the minutes from the 2019 Vestry Meeting here.
Annual Vestry Report 2019/20
Click here to view a copy of the Annual Vestry Report.

AT 12.30pm ON 29 March 2020
1. Opening Prayer – Dean in the Chair
God our Creator, when you speak there is light and life. Fill us with your Holy Spirit so that we may listen to one another, speak the truth in love, and bear much fruit in the service of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
2. Recording of attendance and apologies and appointment of Minute Secretary.
Given the extra-ordinary circumstances of COVID-19 and that no gatherings of people are currently allowed, the ‘meeting’ effectively takes place online. Please note that once restrictions are lifted a more ‘normal’ Cathedral Community gathering will take place and any necessary ratifications can be made then.
3. Report concerning confirmation of Minutes:
a. The Minutes of the Annual Vestry Meeting held on 7 April 2019 were confirmed by Cathedral Council at the June 2019 meeting.
The Report of this Meeting be confirmed by Cathedral Council at its earliest convenience.
4. Elections and Appointments:
a. Elected Positions
The following nominations have been received for elected positions. As the number of nominees does not exceed the number of positions available, these nominees are deemed to be elected.
People’s Warden – Elect 1 (1 yr term) – Reuben Jacob
Cathedral Council – Elect 2 (2 yr term) – Greg Crombie, Kirsty Munro
Cathedral Council – Elect 1 (1 yr term) – no nomination received
Nomination Committee – Elect 3 (1 yr term) – Dr Angela Evans AM, Dr Marijke (Rijke) Mellor, Joe Thorp
b. Appointments
Dean’s Warden – Kevin Stracey
Archbishop’s appointee to Cathedral Council – Dr Marijke (Rijke) Mellor
Diocesan Council’s – Helen Carrig (St Oswald’s)
Dean’s appointee to Cathedral Council – Carol Sim (Cathedral Conservation Committee Chair)
5. Financial Reports:
a. Presentation of the Annual Report and Accounts.
Agreed by Cathedral Council at its March 2020 meeting.
The signed Cathedral Financial Report for 2019 is available here.
b. Presentation of Budget for 2020
Agreed by Cathedral Council at its December 2019 meeting.
The Treasurer’s Report to Vestry including the Budget for 2020 is available here.
c. Appointment of Auditor
Reappointment of HLB Mann Judd to be confirmed by Cathedral Council before December 2020.
6. Reports:
Reports from the Dean, Churchwardens, and other reports to Vestry: full text can be read in the Vestry Report Booklet.
7. Close
May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.