
Being Cathedral

The mere fact of being what and where it is means St Peter’s Cathedral reaches out to people. Thousands of visitors – local, interstate and overseas – enjoy the ambience of the building. People know, or discover, it as a place of stillness, where prayers can be said, candles lit, and a friendly face found. Known to cricket-lovers the world over, the new Adelaide Oval is on our doorstep.

Pastoral Visitors Team

A team of trained parishioners who, by arrangement, visit, take communion to those in hospital or at home and undertake other pastoral duties in consultation with the clergy. Team members are expected to meet the requirements of the ‘Safer Ministry Program’ of the Diocese of Adelaide which includes a National Police Clearance Certificate. While the team tries to keep up with the needs of the community, please contact the Cathedral office if you are aware of anyone who is in need and may appreciate a visit.

Magdalene Centre

St Peter’s Cathedral, St Mary Magdalene’s Moore Street, St John’s Halifax St and Anglicare are partners in outreach to the marginalised through the Magdalene Centre Emergency Relief Program and Bargain Centre. Donations of food and other goods are collected at services each Sunday for distribution through the Centre. Members of the Cathedral community also serve as volunteers in the daily work of the Centre.

Saturday Night Meals at St Mary Magdalene’s: Volunteers from the Cathedral attend St Mary Magdalene’s Church (Moore Street, Adelaide) twice a year to prepare and serve meals to the homeless of Adelaide. Parishioners can assist by providing food, money and/or by being prepared to attend and assist with the work.

Mary Mags Dinner

The Collective of St Mary Magdalene (based at St Mary Magdalene’s, Adelaide) offers a three-course meal to the homeless and disadvantaged of the city every Saturday night (except in January). Volunteers from the Cathedral are rostered twice a year to prepare and serve the meal. Parishioners can assist by providing food, money and/or by being prepared to attend and assist with the work.

Prison Ministry

A number of cathedral people are involved in the Kairos Prison Ministry. Find out more by contacting the Cathedral Office.

The Cathedral Art Prize & Exhibition

The annual Art Show in October invites hundreds of people into the sacred space – to view art, and to be exposed to a vibrant living worshipping cathedral. Other displays are held from time to time.