Special Services

Confession/Reconciliation is conducted by arrangement with one of the clergy.
Ministry of Healing
The ancient tradition of anointing with oil is offered by arrangement with the clergy. Anointing may be arranged in conjunction with Holy Communion offered in the Cathedral, at home or in hospital.
A time to calm and quiet your body and mind and let your soul speak. Consisting of simple harmonic music, silence, candlelight, a brief homily and ministry of healing. Light a candle to symbolise prayer for yourself or others, or for healing and reconciliation for the world. First Saturday of each month at 7.30pm.
A cathedral is the natural gathering place for the community in time of great joy or great trouble.
A range of specially crafted services are held such as the Centenary of ANZAC Day, the death of Nelson Mandela, and the opening of parliament, prayers for peace in troubled times.
Many schools hold their end of year Carol Services at St Peter’s, as do some community choirs.
Diocesan Services
As the “mother church’ of the Diocese of Adelaide St Peter’s Cathedral frequently hosts special services, either for the Diocese as a whole (such as Synod and Ordination) or different institutions within it e.g. Mothers’ Union, Anglican Schools, Anglicare, St Barnabas College. The Diocese of Adelaide is one of 23 dioceses that constitute the Anglican Church of Australia. Each Diocese is led by a Bishop, who provides both pastoral and clerical guidance. The Archbishop of Adelaide is The Most Reverend Geoffrey Smith.