Our Worship
St Peter’s Cathedral offers Anglican liturgical worship enriched by sacred choral music and thought-provoking preaching.
At the heart of the life of St Peter’s Cathedral is the daily pattern of worship and prayer.
On Sundays, a quiet service of Holy Communion (BCP) is celebrated at 8:00am, followed by the main celebration of the day at 10.30am (Choral Eucharist APBA). Choral Evensong (BCP) is sung at 6:00pm.
Weekdays begin with the Eucharist at 7:30am in the Lady Chapel, followed by Morning Prayer (Tuesday to Friday) at 8:45am in the Dean’s Chapel and on Monday at 9.15 am at St Barnabas’ College across King William Road. On Wednesday, a BCP Eucharist is held at 10:00am.
Being a Cathedral, there is a wide range of ‘special’ services too.
All are welcome at all services in St Peter’s Cathedral. A service booklet (with full text of services) is available on Sundays. Christians of all denominations are welcome to receive Holy Communion. There is room too for those who are searching, or just wanting to have a look.