The Right Reverend Chris McLeod invites you to learn more about life at St Peter’s Cathedral. Read more…
St Peter’s is the ideal setting for weddings with its neo-gothic architecture, towers, spires, ornate carved furniture, stained glass windows and traditional interior. Read more…
St Peter’s Cathedral is a landmark in the City of Adelaide, an important part of the city’s heritage. However, the Cathedral is much more than a beautiful historic building. It is also the mother church of the Anglican Diocese of Adelaide and home to a dynamic and inclusive sacramental community, which cherishes excellent liturgy, music and preaching.
The Cathedral is open for visiting between 10.30am and 3.30pm Monday to Friday (early close at 1pm Mondays). Occasionally we need to alter these hours without notice – if you are planning a visit, you may wish to check with the office on the day, on 8267 4551.
Services are taking place according to the schedule below.
Sunday Services
8:00am Holy Communion (Said)
10:30am Choral Eucharist
6:00pm Choral Evensong
Full information for services each week can be found here – updated on Fridays.
Christmas Eve
4:00pm Children’s Crib Service
7:00pm Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
11:00pm The First Eucharist of Christmas (Midnight Mass)
Christmas Day
8:00am Holy Communion (BCP) with Carols
10:00am Festive Choral Eucharist
Weekday Services:
Monday – Friday
7:30am Holy Eucharist
8:45am Morning Prayer (Tue-Fri)
9:15am Morning Prayer (Mon, at St Barnabas’ College)
10:00am Holy Eucharist(BCP)
Saturday (1st of every month)
7.30pm Taizé for Healing
Visitor Opening Times
Monday – 10:30am to 1:00pm
Tuesday to Friday -10.30am to 3.30pm