
The Cathedral 150 initiative was intended to give life to the Conservation Management Strategy Report and the Cathedral Organ Restoration Report by launching an ambitious $10m fundraising campaign. This venture recognises the importance of our Cathedral as an iconic building in our city, connected to a revamp of the Adelaide oval and the Riverbank precinct. It places our building as a venue for artistic performances and as a Cathedral recognised world-wide for its position. To this end they resolved:

  • A major project entitled Cathedral 150 be agreed to which includes the fund-raising for the complete recommended work on the Cathedral, the restoration of the Cathedral organ, and other approved Cathedral-focused improvements such as new Cathedral lighting.
  • A target of $10 million dollars be set for fund-raising.
  • The Dean establish an initial Steering Committee, with a Chairperson appointed by the Dean,  to think through and clarify the project.
  • The Steering Committee clarify the scope of the project, identify the fund-raising strategy and draw up a realistic time-line such that the project is completed by June 2019.
  • Cathedral Council appoint and/or engage sub-committees and individuals as identified by the Steering Committee.

The Diocese be kept informed through DARE (Diocesan Administration & Resources Executive), chaired by the Archbishop.

  • The Cathedral Council have oversight of the entire project.
  • A special Vestry Meeting be called within six months to report on progress.

Preparation for  restoration has now begun.